Sunday, February 27, 2011

Travelling with Romy....


Romy and her bites:

Travelling with Romy does have its perks. For instance, a brief comparison of Romy’s legs, and my legs, will indicate that A – She does not apply Peaceful Sleep, B - Does not adequately cover up, C – Has a scent which sends mozzies, sand flies, jellyfish and other unseen insects into a feeding frenzy, or D – All of the above.

I can tell you all now, that A, B and by default D are not the correct answers. See photos attached of Romy’s legs, after spraying, wearing happy pants, mozzie band.. You name it, Romes has tried it. Every day a few more marks and welts pop up. Bad for Romes, great for me. I’m just fine thank you for asking! Arms and legs no welts, beard coming along nicely..

Extrapolate those wounds on her legs to pretty much 90% of her body, and that leaves Romy as a bit of an itchy, scratchy wreck. A great thanks goes out to the tube of Anthisan in our medical kit!

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Romy and “At”:

Those of you from Malawi (that includes Grant and Kate as they heard us talking about it enough), will all have fond memories of Oom At.

Rather annoying, always popping up and disrupting progress, practical in some ways, in others completely impractical, always getting in the way! This is the only way to describe Romy’s Patong hangover buy – her gargantuan hat to keep the sun out of her eyes. The only time it’s effective, is when lying on the beach, and there is little or no breeze to speak of. The slightest gust, and At wants to take off and fly away. His brim is so wide, when wearing At, Romy is only able to see ½ of Thailand. He is so damn large, that the only way to transport him is to attach him via a karabiner to the handle atop Romy’s bag, where he bounces and sways from side to side, looking ridiculous. Can’t let him go though – too much character!

Look at that monstrosity!! 

The little peak attached to Oom At is a lot more decent isn't it!
Latest update - At is no longer with us. He simply couldn't leave the culture and weather of Thailand behind!! Naah - the truth of it is that we couldn't check him in when we flew to Hanoi. He was even too large for oversize baggage. They just scoffed at the suggestion that he WOULD fit in the hold. Bastards. Bye Bye At.

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